1/30/25 Following the physical release of hand-colored tapes for Cassette Week, Dub Pop 24: 15 Years of Subversive Dub Versions, which premiered on YouTube on 10/30, officially dropped here on 11/1, 2024. Fifteen tracks with all fifteen acts, available on limited CD-R (#PaisleyUnderground #Tropicália #CinematicSoul #Shoegaze #AvantGarde #Bebop #OldSchoolHipHop). Read more...


11/1/24 Following the Cassette Week 23-D edition of Little Cuckoo c/w Pill Pop, that came with 3D glasses and the bonus track I'm on the Same Side as You, the song Never Follow Your Heart accompanied the announcement of a compilation title—Dub Pop 24: 15 Years of Subversive Dub Versions. What we have here is the Nu mento Millennial Falcon—"thumping, spirited weirdness" for all you Dandelion heads (#FeelTheIllinoise). Read more...


Cassette Week 23-D

12/7/23 The Cassette Week 23-D edition of Little Cuckoo includes a pair of 3D glasses and a phantogram J-card insert. The new song, I'm on the Same Side as You, is included as a free download bonus track. It's a love letter to the alternative pop of the 80s and 90s from Eureka Brown & The Digitalia Records Band, arriving on Hanukkah (#NoJoy #TheWhit). Released Friday, December 8th, 2023: Mobile/Desktop ($8). Read more...


Eureka Brown - Little Cuckoo

9/9/23 Little Cuckoo (c/w Pill Pop) - Cassette Week 2023: Besides CSD 2019 and Festive Fifty 2016, it's really the first Eureka Brown track since Full Speed Ahead made Fresh on the Net. It's a microdose of a matrix shattering cinematic romp, leaning heavily into the orchestral Tropicália of its namesake. Available 10/15 for purchase here: Mobile/Desktop ($8). Read more...


5/27/22 What's Left of It ("New Babylon") is the first release from CU veteran art rock outfit The Invisible in over 18 years. It's a "Free as a Bird" type renovation of a lo-fi analog cassette recording for a Digitália various artists mixtape blending old and new contributions from all 15 associated acts. Read more...